Everything that we are and everything that we have is a gift from God. Through Christian stewardship we strive for ways to use those gifts to do God’s work here on Earth and return those gifts with increase to the Lord.
Prayerfully, consider the gifts you can give freely from you heart in the following areas:
Prayer: Plan to pray regularly for God’s work and take part in it.
Presence: Plan to attend Mass and the Sacrament of Penance consistently in addition to parish functions.
Time and Talent: Please don’t be shy about getting involved in parish life. Putting stewardship into action changes our relationship with each other and the world. Please refer to the current parish directory for the people to contact in the areas in which you would like to serve.
Treasure: God has blessed us generously with gifts of treasure. We in turn are asked to give back to Him by giving to His Church.