The Need Practically speaking, the Church is a spiritual institution but it has many material needs. The level of our members’ financial contributions has a direct impact on what we can accomplish as a community.
As a congregation, we are the guardians of this parish and just as in our individual family situation, we need to take care of what has been entrusted to us. Below are listed opportunities to share financial treasures that will strengthen and nurture the growth of out Catholic community.
Each family registered at St. Charles should receive a packet of stewardship envelopes in the mail each month. If you do not receive these envelopes, please contact the Parish Center.
Sunday Collections The weekly offering is always a main source of income for any parish. Here at St. Charles our Sunday collections, school tuition, and parish endowment support our $2.3 million annual budget. Prayerfully consider what an appropriate giving level for your family is and establish a regular pattern of giving to support the work of St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church. Every gift is special in God’s eyes.
Special Collections Throughout the year your monthly packets will include envelopes for various special collections such as Catechetical Sunday, Catholic Schools Week, Little Sisters of the Poor, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Hannah House, and several other causes that rely on your support for their endeavors.