Get Involved ... Join A Group Lectors Readers proclaim the Word of God in the first and second readings of the Liturgy of the Word. Any adult with good oral communication skills is invited to participate. Training is provided, and monthly scheduling is flexible. Altar Servers Altar Servers assist the priest at the alter during the Mass and at various other liturgies. Training for those who are in grade five and above takes place each fall. Greeters Our greeters help to being a spirit of warmth to the members of the gathering assembly by welcoming them at the doors of the church. Greeters also distribute the weekly bulletin after Mass. There are no regular meetings, but greeters should arrive about 15 minutes before Mass begins. Ushers Ushers help to welcome the gathering assembly. They assist with seating, collect the monetary offerings, and bring the collection forward during the Preparation of the Gifts. There are no regular meetings, but ushers should arrive 15 minutes before Mass. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priest and deacon with the distribution of Communion. Any adult parishioner in good standing in the Catholic Church is invited to serve. Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion may choose the Mass time they wish to serve and are scheduled about once every two-to-three weeks. Training is provided. Our Outreach Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion bring the Holy Eucharist to all Catholics in the local area who are unable to attend Mass. Call the Parish Center to arrange for visits to those who are in hospitals, in convalescent facilities, or at home. Scheduling is flexible. Cantors Our cantors lead the assembly in song and also proclaim the Word through the responsorial psalm. After an informal audition, training is provided. A pleasant voice is all that’s required, but the ability to read music is also desirable. Monthly scheduling is flexible. Adult Choir The adult choir enhances congregational singing with harmony and descants, in addition to performing choral music of all styles. The choir sings at three Masses a month during the fall and spring semesters. Any parishioner (including a high school or college student) is invited to join. Rehearsals are Thursday evenings from 7:30 to 9:00 PM in the choir loft. There are no rehearsals during the summer. Organists and Pianists Organists and pianists provide the accomplishment for the singing congregation. Volunteers are invited to audition informally. Practice time is made available Religious Education Teachers, aides and substitute teachers are needed in all areas for preschool, elementary, and youth ministry (junior high and high school level) Decoration Committee A church decoration committee enhances the celebration with seasonal flowers and adornments. A flower calendar is available weekly for those who wish to donate a floral arrangement for a particular weekend. Sacristans The sacristans are responsible for the weekly dusting and light cleaning of the sanctuary and sacristy, and the laundering of all altar linens. They work in teams of two and are assigned on or two months per year. Funeral Lunch Committee Luncheons are provided to families who have funerals at our church. Communication Bulletin, Social Media, Newsletter, Radio Station Children's Liturgy Teachers and aides are needed to teach preschool children during Mass, with prepared materials. Training provided. |