Step 1: How to sign up for a ParishSoft MyOwnChurch family record if you don’t yet have one:
Go to If you haven’t created an account before click new user?
Under Organization choose St. Charles Borromeo Church, Bloomington.
Create a username and provide the requested information for your family record to be created.
You will be asked to provide your email address and then click Submit Registration.
A temporary password will be sent to you when your record is created and able to be accessed.
Once your record is approved you can add any family members to it. Any children who are to be enrolled in Religious Education classes need to be in your family record.
Step 2: How to sign up for Religious Education or Confirmation Class once you have a My Own Church portal:
Log into your portal at you will see your family record. Choose Religious Education from the list on the left side of the screen.
You will need to select the enrollment term. It is 2024-2025
Next add a student. After you choose your child’s name from the drop down list you will be asked their grade in the 2024-2025 school year, and given space to inform us of any learning difficulties or medical needs your child may have (for instance, if your child has difficulty reading, or is allergic to tree nuts this must be noted).
Then you will be asked to save your choice. Complete this process for each child you are enrolling. (note: you can ignore the 2nd and 3rd choice options. Your child will be enrolled in the proper class).
Once you are finished click Submit and your child will be enrolled.
The registration fee for any of the classes is $70 per student. It can be paid at the parish center with check or cash, or you can pay online with ParishSOFT Giving by using this link: . Make sure if you are paying for your child's class you choose the fund called "RE Registration Fees" so you get the proper credit for payment.